Collaborative Research in Horizon 2020. Promoting German-Polish Cooperation in EU Research Funding.

Collaborative Research in Horizon 2020. Promoting German-Polish Cooperation in EU Research Funding.

The Conference which took place in the German-Polish-twin cities Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice (24-25 May 2018) aimed at discussing future collaborative EU Research funding opportunities and fostering German-Polish cooperation. More precisely, it 

  • informed on EU collaboration programmes with a special focus on interdisciplinary research on societies, climate and environment as well as energy-related topics,
  • brought together researchers, EU research affairs staff in German and Polish universities and research institutions, representatives from the European funding institutions and National Contact Points from both countries,
  • fostered cooperation for future projects through knowledge exchange on relevant projects and research interests among the conference participants,
  • provided indications on how to address evaluators in EU proposals, especially in Horizon 2020.


Further information available here.

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